Dear Abigail

Thursday, June 27, 2013

They say time heals all and I would have to strongly disagree. See, as each day goes by I miss you more. I look at your sisters smile and cry because I yearn to see yours! I yearn to hold you, & kiss you,  & rock you sleep. I know we can't go back in time, because if we could, I would do so many things differently. I know you're with your creator smiling down on us, and at times I feel as though your presence is here. Lately I've been crying for you, even though I know this was part of gods plan, I just want you back in my arms again. I love you so much and there is not a single day that goes by that I don't think of you and call out your name. You my sweet angel, will forever be my darling baby! I love you Abi and I hope you can feel it in your soul, just like I can feel your love in mine! 

Love always & forever, 

Your mommy! 

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