Hello Little Miss Sassy Pants

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Im working on fall and Black & White is striking my fancy. It's not only classic, but gender neutral which is very important being that my little baby boy will be modeling along side Liv. If I must be honest, design for boys is MUCH harder than designing for girls. This must explain why the variety of styles for boys are so limited. Im trying my best to transition into designing for the little hipsters and  have a couple things in the works. Wish me luck, I'm going to need it!

Desk Essentials | Your Motivational Must Haves...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

My office/studio is undoubtedly my second home. It is where I spend 15+ hours of my 24 hour day. Being so, I like to surround myself around things that are not only pretty to look at, but motivational to keep me going on those not-so-breezy days. Often times, just looking at something positive and inspirational can turn my mood around completely. Take a look at some of my favorite must haves for your desk!

Olivia | 19 months later...

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Olivia turned 19 months actual, 15 months adjusted on the 13th. I can't believe it's been 19 months that have seemed to just fly by. She's a completely different baby. She has now found her voice, and is very vocal about all the things she likes, and especially the things she dislikes. Since having two older brothers, she's taken more to the destruction side. Throwing all her toys and laughing hysterically as they fall. She's rumbustious and stubborn, but can be very quiet and reserved when she wants to. Her brothers are her world and anything they do, she laughs with such love and amazement. She's starting to talk more saying "her" words at random times and gives the biggest wet kisses imaginable. I often wonder how she'll take to her baby brother that will grace his presence in a couple of months. In the mean time, I'm soaking up all the one on one time I can get with her. Things will definitely be challenging come November and I just can't wait! 

Friday Favs: Mama & Mini - Small Biz Edition

Friday, June 20, 2014

There are so many great products out there, but to me, the best are made from small businesses right here in America. With so many things being outsourced today, its hard to financially afford to produce items domestically. As a small business owner myself, it is a constant challenge -- but one I take with great pride. 
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